The ABC's of Equity in Early Childhood (Acknowledgement, Belonging, and Commitment)

Breakout Session

The ABC's of Equity in Early Childhood (Acknowledgement, Belonging, and Commitment)

Date & Time:
Tue, Jun 25, 2024 | 12:50 - 2:00pm CDT
Room: Diamond 8 (Map)

About this session

Track: Early Education
Audience level: Intermediary

In communities that serve young children and families, it is important for service providers to recognize how historical inequities in the American education system have impacted and continue to impact marginalized communities. In order to do this work, service providers need to explore their own identity markers and increase awareness of culturally relevant practices.

Intended Audience: Service providers and educators

Learning objectives

  1. Participants will recognize how historical inequities in the American education system have impacted marginalized communities.
  2. Participants will explore personal identity markers and how they impact interactions in educational settings and communities that serve young children and families.
  3. Participants will increase awareness of culturally relevant and trauma-informed educational practices.