Circle of Security in Nebraska

Breakout Session

Circle of Security in Nebraska

Speaker(s): Samantha Bradley
Date & Time:
Tue, Jun 25, 2024 | 2:20 - 3:30pm CDT
Room: Diamond 2 (Map)

About this session

Track: Early Childhood Services
Audience level: Foundational

Circle of Security Parenting(COSP) and Circle of Security Classroom(COSC) are  8-week evidence based programs based on decades of attachment research that are available throughout the state of Nebraska. Come hear about what Circle of Security is, why it is effective, and some of our most current data from Nebraska.  You will have the opportunity to hear from state leads, current facilitators, and participants in the program about the impact that it has had on them. 

Intended Audience: Home visitors, parents, child care providers, anyone that works with young children/families

Learning objectives

  • Understand what is Circle of Security Parenting/Classroom
  • Be able to access the Nebraska COSP website and resources
  • Develop an awareness of the potential impact of COS on parents, caregivers, and other early care professionals.