Post-Pandemic Home Visitation: Supporting Staff and Families

Breakout Session

Post-Pandemic Home Visitation: Supporting Staff and Families

Date & Time:
Tue, Jun 25, 2024 | 12:50 - 2:00pm CDT
Room: Ruby 6 (Map)

About this session

Track: Early Childhood Services
Audience level: Advanced

This session will discuss the unique experience of supporting staff as they transitioned away from fully remote work to in-person home visits following the COVID-19 pandemic. Presenters will discuss the challenges staff experienced adjusting to their roles, meeting agency expectations, and serving communities highly impacted by the pandemic. Presenters will share their reflections on the importance of staff development amidst both agency and community-wide changes, as well as strategies to retain staff working with families experiencing a multitude of psychosocial stressors.

Intended Audience: Professionals interested in the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on home visitation, staff members who work in supervisory roles

Learning objectives

  1. Participants will identify challenges that are unique to home visitors following the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Participants will describe opportunities for staff development amidst agency and community change.
  3. Participants will reflect on staff retention strategies within their own agencies and consider next steps for supporting staff who provide services to high-needs families.