Therapeutic Time-Outs for Behavior Management in Young Children

Breakout Session

Therapeutic Time-Outs for Behavior Management in Young Children

Speaker(s): Dr. Corey Lieneman
Date & Time:
Tue, Jun 25, 2024 | 3:50 - 5:00pm CDT
Room: Diamond 10 (Map)

About this session

Track: Early Childhood Services
Audience level: Advanced

Time-out is a highly effective technique for child behavior management if conducted properly. However, many popular time-out strategies used by well intentioned parents, caregivers, and educators have drifted from the original therapeutic methods. As such, the average time-out is often less effective and results in greater stress on the caregiver-child relationship as compared with therapeutic time-outs. These challenges are exacerbated for children with special behavioral and emotional needs, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), anxiety, and developmental differences (e.g., autism spectrum disorder, language delays). This presentation will introduce the basic parameters of an effective, evidence based, and trauma-informed therapeutic time-out protocol. The techniques highlighted will draw heavily on Parent-Child Interaction Therapy research. Tips for tailoring time-out to meet the unique developmental and cultural needs of families will also be reviewed. A summary of the comprehensive research base on time-out will be provided, including a description of its behavioral theoretical background. Controversial legal and ethical issues related to time-out will be discussed.

Intended Audience: Geared toward a wide audience, especially:

  • EDN providers
  • Head Start personnel
  • School representatives
  • Early childhood educators
  • Home visitors
  • Medical/health and mental health professionals
  • Service providers
  • Family members

Learning objectives

  • Participants will be familiar with the evidence supporting the use of time-out for behavior management in young children.
  •  Audience members will identify clinical strategies for appropriately tailoring time-out components to families’ unique cultural and developmental needs.
  • Attendees will better understand controversial legal and ethical issues related to time-out.