Understanding Preschool Environments to Promote Inclusion in Nebraska

Breakout Session

Understanding Preschool Environments to Promote Inclusion in Nebraska

Date & Time:
Tue, Jun 25, 2024 | 10:40 - 11:50am CDT
Room: Diamond 7 (Map)

About this session

Track: Early Education
Audience level: Advanced

Preschool educational environments data can help program leaders and policymakers make sound decisions. Nebraska will share its experiences in rolling out guidance documents and materials to help with shaping local school districts better understand how to accurately report what is happening in preschool programs.

Intended Audience: State and local leaders, teachers, and service providers

Learning objectives

  • To share the process for better equipping local school districts to better understand their preschool inclusion practices and educational environments.
  • To share with participants how the Nebraska Department Education (NDE) are promoting more inclusive educational environments and practices for preschoolers with disabilities, specifically for children transitioning from Part C to Part B special education services.